Well, the weather outside is frightful…
What to do when your consumers cannot get to you.
It’s top of mind for most of us today in the US.
Regardless of where you live right now, there is probably a pretty intense winter weather situation. Snow, ice, and freezing rain is falling over us; and many retailers are left scratching their heads and staring into empty registers.
After the pandemic, many of us adopted a model that allowed us to stay at home and make some portion of the money we were making out in the world. However, for some local businesses this isn’t always an option.
We as consumers count on our local bookstores to be open when we need a new read for our kids and want to stop by to choose it. We want places to go to eat that serve our favorites. And we need to be able to get to entertainment without launching ourselves down a highway.
So, during weather like this, you may be wondering how to help your local haunts stay open.
As a consumer, you really hold all the power. So, here’s how to support your local haunts when you cannot physically get to them.
Gift Cards - Buy them online or over the phone; but this is free money your retailer can use to get through the blizzard. The bonus of this, is that you also delight friends with the gift, and bring in new customers once the doors are open.
Pre-Orders - Put in an order that you’ll pick up when they are open again. You’re shopping just like you would be, and you’ll get a little gift yourself once you’re out and about again. If you do Yoga or other service-based local items, buy some classes or passes you’ll use after the storm. Or buy those cozy toe socks you’ve been eyeing for your next class.
Share, Forward, Comment and Like your business’ Social Posts - Even if you’ve got no money to spend, you never know when a friend might see what you’ve shared and support because of their love for you! Maybe you’ll be introducing them to something new you can experience or wear together.
As a business, you can offer discounts or sweepstakes to incentivize these actions above. If you’ve been thinking about offering a 30% Friends and Family discount, deliver that to your client database and encourage them to share for as long as the cold snap lasts. Then, you can recoup a fresh crop of referrals and some new business from existing clients that will last beyond the storm. Offer a free gift with purchase for online orders and pre-orders the week of the storm. Or simply discount all online orders.
Whatever you can afford to do is better than not having income.
Cuz baby, it’s cold outside.