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Palate Cleanser

Did you know that coffee grounds don’t actually help reset your sense of smell?

It’s a common misconception; but - when you think about it - coffee is a strong scent with strong sense behind it. It can mean clarity, it can mean foggy Irish mornings, it can mean the armoring that accompanies a metropolitan commute.

Few people don’t have strong memories associated with a cup of joe. It’s a Universal Scent. Something that is present almost globally and brings baggage with it.

The most effective way to “clear your palate”, nasally, is actually to sniff the crease of your own elbow! (SCJ FDC 2018)

That’s right, if you truly want to refresh and reset, it starts with what you actually are right now, here, today, in this moment. This is a scent so prevalent you carry it with you. You’re never without it. It’s ingrained. It’s your canvas for any fragrance. It’s your tare.

So many companies start their research with a bowl full of coffee.

They look outward at Nike, or at RedBull, or Tide and they ask, “why can’t we do THAT?” (“THAT” is often a noir black and white close up shoot of a sweaty sports icon, or a flume race, or a BIG goofy superbowl ad.) And, they’re sorely disappointed when their agency brings them just such costly and bombastic ideas. Often, they’ll say, “WOW that’s cool! We can’t do that! How would we afford it! What’s the ROI?” or worse, “Yikes! What made you think that was right for my brand!?!”

A Brand Reframe isn’t actually blowing up who you are and starting over - as tempting as that can be when you feel sales slipping or consumer trust faltering. What’s more interesting, is that if sales are slipping and consumer trust is faltering, a reframe can’t be the answer on its own. It won’t fix a product that doesn’t perform or a category that is failing. It won’t suddenly make your brand interesting to those who have rejected it. Consumers might notice the change - usually not - but, they won’t change their long-held opinion of you.

In fact, neuroscience research (IIMA, 2012) says it takes a minimum of 3 positive interactions to erase one negative interaction - no matter how small.

So, how should you begin your Reframe?

Sniff your own elbow.

I gave you a couple of spaces above to feel your feelings on this front. It’s not glamorous, and it won’t make a smashing power point (even with the assistance of Canva); but what it will do is prime you for your highest sales to date.

Take in all those online reviews. Do the ethnographic study. Follow consumers around a store. Do a survey. And, evaluate your current portfolio of offerings, sales rankings, placements by store and channel, and even your reputation internally at your company.

Then, use this information to ensure you’re attacking the problem, and not just glossing along the effect. Where are you losing sales? Is it within your core offering? Is it an outside innovation? Find out WHY your reputation is suffering, don’t just add to the noise with a new splashy campaign.

When your brand is walking in the wrong direction or slowing down, chances are that the answer to why is not the fault of the path you’re walking, it’s in the decisions you made that brought you away from the heart of your brand and its consumer target.

Sometimes, getting on track to grow is a simple as taking a breath and smelling the crease of your own elbow.