Finding the Energy
I’ll sign off on a day of rest; but if that’s not on the table…
I’m certain that no entity in the world wakes up every morning with a consistently high amount of energy.
Any number of things can effect how we feel on a given day; but there are some things we can do to tip the odds in our favor.
Here are some that help me when preparing for a big ‘un.
Prepare your support system that you are out of pocket from the afternoon before the event until the event is over.
Don’t imbibe the night before on anything (food, alcohol, or otherwise) that will steal some of tomorrow’s energy; let’s keep that head clear as a bell. And - ya know - drink water.
Put yourself to bed with the intent to get 8 hours of sleep.
Use whatever meditations, readings, or music that gets you to that happy sleepy place.
Wake up a little earlier than usual, and write out the order of the morning from what you will do first, to what you need in your bag for the day.
Do the full shower through styling, including all the extras.
Speaking of styling, lay out or hang your outfit the night before.
While this may seem a bit basic to most of you, I find sometimes I just need a permission slip to treat the day with the reverence it deserves.
So, here ya go.
You have my permission.